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Mac CM Mod Manager v1.1 ready for release

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I sent off MCM3 v1.1 to MadMatt last night. Not sure when he'll be posting it, but seeing how I'll be away from the forum for a few days thought I would let all you mac users know now. Hopefully it will be up in a day or two.

A ton of new features in v1.1, a sampling follows:

- re-coded for easier expansion, changes and (hopefully!) better stability.

- squashed a few bugs and nits I didnt like.

- improved file navigation via popup menus

MCM3 now automatically loads whatever bmps, picts or mod folders that reside in the same folder as MCM3. Or, choose a folder that contains either more mod folders, bmps or picts. MCM3 then creates a menu for you to select from. This lets you keep all your mod folders in one location and easily navigate through it. Even easier if you keep that folder in the MCM3 folder, but I dont force you too.

Use the menu to choose between different mod versions, or to choose a new folder to view. This is also supported on the Resource file side, where you select a data folder to browse, then select the graphics file you want to look at, modify, or copy pictures from!

I find this to be a great time saver. In addition, each menu has a selection to allow you to choose either the MCM3 folder (for mods), or the CM Data folder(for resources) with one selection.

As one tester mentioned, it's easier than ever to swap between five different tiger mods. Simply select the folder you want, view the preview image, and convert.

- yes, I've added the ability to copy pictures from the selected graphics resource, either the entire resource or just the selected items. Save them to a folder of your liking. Make your own mods now!

- Added the ability to view jpg screenshots, included with most mods from CMHQ now, and the accompanying readme (text format only). Choose the mod folder, click on the preview jpg included, and viola! a preview of the 3D model (screenshot) is presented for your perusal.

(note: some readmes are in rtf format, which I didnt get into this release. Once the format is stabilized at CMHQ I'll update MCM3 if needed. had to stop at some point!)

- Previews: Click on any preview, and it will now open to full size for closer viewing.

- A massive new readme, complete with color pictures detailing most of the new features in 1.1. As usual, I added a few small things after finishing the readme, but they're bonus items!

- oh, added a button to convert the folder automatically. No need to select any files now, just click on Convert Folder... and away you go!

extra feature added right before it went out:

- added a small text line beneath each listbox to inform the user how many files or picts are in the mod/resource. useful in determining if you really want to copy all 325 picts from resource Graphics 4, for example.

- updated user experience via small tweaks and such.

Much more, check out the readme. Also included bsoplinger's two utilities to change the file types of the PC bmps, if needed.

I'll be checking this sporadically for the next few days, as vacation calls. After that, I plan on taking a few days (a week?) off from the mod managers, focusing on some third party graphics tweaks that are needed for the mac side, and then I plan to look at the sounds again.

Plus, I need to play some PBEM!




History is made at night

[This message has been edited by aikidorat (edited 09-20-2000).]

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Again, all of us Mac users are all in

agreement that this is fantastic.

Thanks for the Revised version and hay if

you ever want a Pbem game, just let me know.

Man do I have the map for you, one that I have created called "The Bridges of Monsello"

I guarantee that this map will surely give you the challenge of your fighting career. smile.gif

Thanks Again for the great work.




"My honor is Life both grow as one, take honor

from me and my life is done."

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Thanks! The map sounds interesting - I'll have to try the map. And a PBEM starting late next week would probably work for me. Can usually do at least one turn a day, sometimes more.

as for mods / maps/scenarios created by mac people:

anyone doing these? if so, are you sending them to CMHQ, or other sites, to review, post, etc? I havent seen too many, just thought I'd ask. It would be nice if we had some mac users creating mods, not just the PC folk.

After I get back, we'll be focusing on testing out the different mods as they come out (third party), and fixing any that need fixing. I'm going to create a topic here for mac users to post any issues with PC textures, and if they fixed them or not. If they do fix them, we'l work on getting them posted at CMHQ (dont send to me right now, the old email box is overflowing with current ones that need tweaking. Seems a bunch of Tiger mods have the wrong pink color in them. :)

Ok, I digressed. Stole out of an all day meeting to get my CM fix. :)

By the way, have you guys checked out the 3D faces? Pretty cool mod. :)




History is made at night

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Just back in town and wanted to see if you were all aware 1.1 was up at CMHQ....

and looking for feedback on the new features, as well as the readme.

Let me know what you think, and what you think it needs to be even better (besides sound managing!)




History is made at night

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