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Length of PBEM games (newbie)

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It depends, and you should probably discuss it up front with your potential adversary. I'm playing with a guy who also has a family, and the best we can manage is one turn a night if we're lucky. However, some people can do a whole game in one night, so discuss your available time before you start playing and someone gets upset.

I find it usually takes me 1/2 hour to 1 hour per turn, but that's just me.



"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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PBEM Games take 3 rounds of email per turn. A moves turn 1, B moves and processes turn 1, A views turn 1, B views turn 1 and moves turn 2, A moves and processes turn 2, B views turn 2, A views turn 2 and moves turn 3. Wash, rinse, repeat. AFAICT this is to prevent cheating by either player. If you are not sitting by your computer and processing several turns in a night, it's just a matter of math. You will get, at one segment a night, two turns a week. It will take twenty weeks to complete the Valley of Trouble from the Demo by email.

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