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This might be a little off topic so let me start off by saying "mea culpa".

I recently finished a couple of books I found interesting. They were "The Biltzkrieg Era and The German General Staff" by Larry H. Addington and "Supplying War" by Martin van Creveld. I was just wondering what people thought of these books and if anyone could recommend any additional reading on the topic of logisitics.


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Van Creveld's book has won a lot of plaudits, but has some fundamental problems. For an excellent critique, see John Lynn, ed., _Feeding Mars: Logistics in Western Warfar from the Middle Ages to the Present_ (Westview, 1993). Also good but a little dry and old is James A. Huston, _The Sinews of War: Army Logistics, 1775-1953_ (Office of the Chief of Military History, 1966).

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