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Newbie Question #2:

When an infantry unit tries to cross Bocage terrain, does the type of movement order influence the speed of crossing the terrain?

For instance, does CRAWL or SNEAK cross Bocage at the same rate as MOVE or RUN?


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Originally posted by Psyched:

When an infantry unit tries to cross Bocage terrain, does the type of movement order influence the speed of crossing the terrain?

For instance, does CRAWL or SNEAK cross Bocage at the same rate as MOVE or RUN?


I think so. BTW, giving your units a command to run through a hedgerow will only tire them out faster. Crawling tends to tire them faster in all terrain types. I don't know if there is any difference in tiring rates between move and sneak, but I think it is the case that tired units do not sneak as effectively as rested ones.


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Just ran a quick test on time in bocage at various speeds -

Fast: 0:24

Move: 0:52

Sneak: 1:25

Didn't try crawling or withdrawing.

I almost exclusively run my infantry through bocage for two reasons - first, I don't want to wait an entire turn for them to cross; second, if they come under fire, they get out of the bushes more quickly and into the "better" protection of open ground (where they usually have a Move order plotted). Crossing one bocage line doesn't tire a squad very badly, especially if you're taking time to set up your overwatch element before crossing the next field.

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Thanks for the test. I wanted a squad to cross Bocage in order to attack a tank from behind. I wanted to find the right balance between speed(before the tank destroyed my own armor) and avoiding detection (to maintain the element of suprise so I could get a rear shot).

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