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Attention Scenario Designers!

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For some time I've been thinking about the S-3 Tent, the Wargamer's Combat Mission Scenarios and Operations section, trying to make it unique and interesting. Here's what I've come up with.

Every week(roughly), one new scenario will be featured. Included in the feature will be screenshots, historical articles and links, an AAR or two and designer's notes. This will give scenario designers, both experienced and new, a chance to truly showcase their work, and not have it as "just one more scenario" out of many. The feature is open to EVERYONE, with only one caveat. Your scenario(or operation) can be available only at the Wargamer for the week that it is the feature scenario. After that, do with it as you will! Of course, all previous featured scenarios will still be kept, also.

Please feel free to respond to this post or e-mail me if you have a scenario or operation to contribute, or would be interested in writing AARs for hot new scenarios!


Jeff Fraser

The Wargamer's Combat Mission Central


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