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Bugs or design issues in "Popguns and Elephants"(spoilers)

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Couple of issues discovered playing this scenario as the Germans:

1. ATRs begin scenario with "empty" ammo. All other units appear to be at full ammo. Is this intentional?

2. AI will not advance. A few tanks moved 100m or so out of the treeline. Infantry appeared to be just milling around back and forth in treeline, even when under no fire. Continued all the way through turn 27 of 30, at which point I quit.

[ October 28, 2002, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: akdavis ]

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Funny you should bring this up today. I just happened to try this scenario today as the Germans since no indication was made for the prefered side to play. The Russians moved three of their tanks into the open, about 100m, and that was it. No infantry advance what so ever.

Rob W

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Popguns and Elephants...SPOILER




















1. ATRs begin scenario with "empty" ammo. All other units appear to be at full ammo. Is this intentional?

2. AI will not advance. A few tanks moved 100m or so out of the treeline. Infantry appeared to be just milling around back and forth in treeline, even when under no fire. Continued all the way through turn 27 of 30, at which point I quit.

Seen both of these issues playing the Axis side... ATR's without any ammo at start of scenario does not make any sense... really dumb...

AI not assaulting even though I'm outnumbered 10-1 DOES make sense... AI sends 1 squad from left, middle, right into the clear to draw fire from my MG's... didn't work... T-34's & KV's only shoot at targets that reveal themselves... no area fire...

Hunker down... sit tight... use trench mortars to break up any suspected Soviet infantry concentrations on left or right flank in the treeline... don't shoot the 3 Soviet suicide squads lounging about in the field... after that, watch the mild mannered tanks... observe.. no more Soviet squads appear out of the woods anywhere..

Keep fingers crossed...keep on playing anyway... result: total victory as Axis player!!!...

I did use the ammoless ATR teams and depleted mortar crews as running decoys to draw Soviet tank and mortar fire into vacant areas... very ruthless... but effective!...

Total Victory?... what a joke... scenario is no doubt designed to be played from the Soviet side ONLY...

Cordialement, Duke of Earl

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