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Tactics inside buildings

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Let's say, at the beginning of a turn, you find two squads of your own infantry and two squads of your opponents infantry inside on the bottom floor the same large building. What orders can you give them that will give them an advantage over the enemy troops eyeing you hungrily from across the room? Should they just stand there and blast away?

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For most close (under 50m) engagements, I try to mass fires on one or two enemy units. Infantry fire is extremely deadly at close range and doing this seems to help by quickly killing one or two units (dead men don't shoot back) on the outsides to reduce potential target overload and open up possibilites for flanking.

Someone suggested a while back that splitting into teams might help, but I think the morale hit at these ranges is more important. (I use that tactic as well, but not under 100m)


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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