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VP in the operation

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Originally posted by SAMURAI:


Does anyone know how to calculate the victory point in the operation?

Especialy in the assault.

What's mean "70%(progress?)"? :confused:


'Advance' and 'Assualt' Operations in CM are not object oriented. In other words, you don't get points for capturing Victory Flags. Instead, awarded points in operations are based upon how far the attacker progresses during the entire operation. Therefore, if an operation is an 'assault' and the 'expected progress' is 70%, then the attacking side must capture about 70% of the entire length of the map.

Most 'Advance' and 'Assault' operations have overall maps that are longer than they are wider, say 1000m x 4500m. However, in any one particular battle, you might only see a battlefield size of 1000m x 1000m. If the attacker has progressed some after the first battle, then the 1000m x 1000m battlefield will be moved for the next battle.

In 'Advance' operations, the attacker has to make it all the way to the other side of the map.

'Destroy' operations are based only the ration of your men killed VS his men killed. I think the scenario desigern has the option of setting the ratio.

hope this helps

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Thank you, PAK.

Therefore, if an operation is an 'assault' and the 'expected progress' is 70%, then the attacking side must capture about 70% of the entire length of the map.

Further question.

You mean the attacker must sweep out the defender from the area(70% of the map).(Right?)

How about the balance against casualty point ?

If an attacker takes heavy casualty and captures 70% of the map, will he get a major(or total) victory ?


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