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Erazor X Problem

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Just replaced my Voodoo2 with an ErazorX and now CMBO refuses to start (It just freezes on the Win98 desktop) All other games seem to work fine. I ve tried a couple of different drivers (both Nvidia and Elsa) with the same lack of success... Anyone experienced (and solved) anything similar?

All help much appreciated,


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Have you deleted the CM Prefs file ? I'd highly suggest doing so if you haven't already. What version of DirectX are you running ? Which driver versions have you tried ? The latest release from Elsa for Win 9x is 12.40, though 12.41 is the latest candidate that is WHQL certified (for what that's worth). DEpending on what other games you're running you may need to try a 6.xx or 7.xx series Detonator driver. You may also want to disable FSAA initially to see if that helps in launching CM.

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