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Oh boy...

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Guest Sgt. Emren
This abomination is known as "leet-speak" or l33t-5p34l< as it is commonly typed. It is used with disturbing regularity by people, typically teenagers, who are too stupid/lazy to use capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
See, this is interesting. If had to write in this leet-speak it would take me twice the time than my regular typing speed (which is not all that impressive to begin with). Anyone who's capable of typing out alphabet soup really cannot be called stupid/lazy. But then again, I'm no teenager, and maybe teens today are just really, really quick typists. But somehow I seriously doubt that...
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Originally posted by MickeeMao:

Why doesn't everyone head on over to the site and make their opinions known? There's a 'comments' section at the bottom of the article . . . or maybe we should just sick MasterGoodale on em. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Perhaps someone should head over there and repost Seanachai's final paragraph.
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Originally posted by Sgt. Emren:

it would take me twice the time than my regular typing speed

Well, there are java/javascript applets that can turn ordinary text into leet-speek without effort.

That aside, the comment about campaings intrigues me: I'm pretty much of the opinion that a unit stays roughly at the same level of experience it started out with, so taking a green unit and developing it into roughly regular grade would take more or less the entire war but would be possible. There's no way they'd ever become crack/elite due to attrition and replacements keeping the overall level about the same, although individuals might excel.

It would be nice to have a campaign where you could get better equipment every now and then and better choice of replacements if you do well, though.

[ December 12, 2002, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: Engel ]

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A person who doesn't know their history is not necessarily an idiot.

A person who spews out "historical" information when they don't know their history IS an idiot.

It's even worse when a TV documentary makes blatent historical blunders. I saw a show on PBS about Billy Bishop and they talked about the "bombing campaign" against Paris and showed the famous fountain of Stalingrad (the one with the kids all dancing around).

It took me weeks to recover.

BTW, Wasn't August '41 the famous battle of Port Arthur and some guy named Zimmerman sent a telegram?

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I just took a look at the other reviews linked by Gameranking - it's worth it for the laugh. It was nice to see thst the reviewer at Game Planet liked it, for example, singling out the background music for particular praise. Another reviewer, voiced doubts that hardcore wargamers would like the 3D graphics and seemed to be oblivious to the fact that the game was a sequel to an already successful wargame.

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