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CMBO: Close quarters/Low Ammo

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One British platoon faces the Germans in the woods at about 20 meters. My men are LOW AMMO. Does it make sense for me to advance them towards the Germans: as low ammo they are at a fire power disadvantage; at under 20 meters fighting, there should be hand to hand and LOW AMMO should matter less?

Your thoughts (or knowledge)?


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My thoughts...I think that the Low Ammo thing means that they may take an auto-morale hit. At worst, hand2hand combat will give you a fighting chance (far more so that w/ any kind of ranged fire of course), and you have 10-man squads to his presumable 9-man squads.

OTOH, you'll probably take 1:1 casualties, and he might have other infantry around to mash you up. I would probably retreat them (then maybe pound the remaining Krauts w/ arty or DF tank/mortar fire?) unless their current position was very important. On 2nd thought, I might only do that in CMBO, where you could probably run away through MG fire at your 6'o'clock...I doubt that your men would be stout enough to not hit the deck and then crawl BACK towards the Germans in CMBB.

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Depends on what is going on around the rest of the battlefield. If it is the end of the battle and you have no other men to support, then you have to do what you have to do. Let chance decide. If you have a chance to support with a fresh platoon, do so.

Low Ammo does not decrease firepower AFAIK, but it does reduce the rate of fire drastically.


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Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

Low Ammo does not decrease firepower AFAIK, but it does reduce the rate of fire drastically.


You're right; at range I think that Low Ammo squads only shoot once or maybe twice/turn. I don't recall how they fare in Close Combat where ammo shouldn't be as much an issue as wiping the pixelated guts off of the bayonets is. ;)
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