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Scenario Designing Question from Newbie.

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I am busy with making my first scenario, but i can't find a way to place units at a specific point on the map where they should start.

Is it possible to place the units for BOTH sides, or can i do this for only 1 side?

Can i have Craters at the start of the scenario ? How ?

Is there an article or site where i can find hints /tips for scenario designers ?

I would be very gratefull if anybody can answer my questions.


Monty aka Moose

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After purchasing units for one or both sides, and after creating the map, you need to use the map Preview mode to place individual units specifically where you want them. There, you can also padlock units so that they cannot be moved during the player's setup phase (only if you REALLY want the units to start in specific places.

Alas, craters are not placable.

As far as articles go, the scenario design guidelines in the back of the CMBO manual are good basic rules-of-thumb to use. Otherwise, try browsing the CM Webring for sites that have articles. I believe I have seen one or two, but cannot remember their location. Try reading the scenario reviews on the Combat Mission HQ site. That will give you excellent reasons for what makes or breaks a scenrio.

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