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Question regarding Buttoned Tanks

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Do buttoned tanks and tanks that have a casualty perform the same (once the latter recovers from shocked)? I am referring to reaction time, accuracy, spotting and just general performance.

Also, how do immobilized and gun-damaged tanks tally in the score at the end of the game? I know that in operations some times they are repaired and sometimes left abandoned. But in the scoring for a single battle how do they value?

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First question is a good one. I'm not sure but i'd think in the game they do perform similar since they're both "Buttoned up"

As to second question, immobilized or gun-damaged tanks are not casualties. They're "live" tanks therefore they do not impact the final score.

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I'm surprised but they do indeed appear to function equally, or very nearly equally, well. There seems to be no degradation of response time, accuracy, loading time or spotting when compared to an unharmed crew.

A tank with a hurt crew member is not "just" buttoned up it has suffered a degradation in one or more of these areas, were it not so you might as well cut down the number of crew members before the battle.


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Originally posted by Mattias:

A tank with a hurt crew member is not "just" buttoned up it has suffered a degradation in one or more of these areas, were it not so you might as well cut down the number of crew members before the battle.


...except that such a tank would not have the ability to unbutton (a valuable thing).

But I agree with your main point, in that I'd imagine having a dead commander in the tank's belly is very distracting at best.

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I've found that tanks with a cas tend not to engage targets - especially soft targets - over about 3-400m. It's like they just can't see anything that far out. Even when you manually target them, they promptly drop the order as soon as the turn starts.

It can be a real pain if you have an immobilised tank that has also lost its commander, and you're on a long map (ok, ok - a rather unlikely set of circumstances, but I have had it happen ... try Runes' XXX Corps Breakout sometime ... :( )

Tanks that are just buttoned don't seem to have this restriction.



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I ran a couple of tests with four regular M4's on a flat farm map populated with a couple of veteran computer-commanded sharp shooters.

After getting two tanks handicapped (and the other two buttoned), I ran a bunch of maneuvers with the tanks in the original formation. I found no discrepancies in move, fast, hunt fire, fire w/o main gun, etc. These tests did not included live targets because I could not find a way of keeping the range and view consistent for all the tanks at the same time.

It looks like the only real disadvantages are receiving one causality and the inability to unbutton, but that's it. Of course the "shocked" state is very dangerous when engaged with enemy guns. I guess that's the real discourager for not buttoning up ever.

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Much to my chagrin, I found that tanks that are buttoned up seem much more susceptible to piats et al sneaking up behind them and popping them. They also seem to take longer to target both armor and infantry while buttoned. I know this because I've buttoned a few with a sharpshooter and then destroyed them with this technique. When my tanks are buttoned, I make sure that I have my own infantry around as "eyes" for my armor.

Oh, forgot...IMHO IIRC AFAIK

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