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anti-Flag Rush tool: Badco's Endgame Randomizer

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Well this is hardly news but it's an oldy but goody for those who haven't heard about it...

Try the "BER," Badco's Endgame Randomizer. You basically

wind up choosing a # of turns in the QB set-up screen (let's say 30) and then use the

BER to do +/- 3 turns, so you never know if it will end on turn 27 or 33 or anything

between...that should vastly reduce any reliance on Flag Rushing.

It also introduces a nice random element, esp. if you choose a large +/- range.

[ August 02, 2002, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

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I haven't actually used it for a while, but IIRC there's an option for 1 player only - you send the other person a screen shot of the end game message or something like that as confirmation??

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The end game randomizer works wonders. Both players need to download the program. One player sets up the randomizer and includes the file at the appropriate time.

I've used the program a few times and it has worked flawlessly.

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