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Aircraft Shot Down

Guest grunto

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Guest grunto

i was playtesting a scenario with american air support and german aa guns and halftracks.

when i got to the aar (after about 200 casualties per side, 26 american and 16 german vehicles destroyed), it said that my germans had shot down an aircraft.


what i thought would be a cakewalk going in turned out to be a very intense and hard-fought battle. the american infantry never stopped coming until about turn 56 out of 60 at which point they finally surrendered.

i had 16 vehicles destroyed, and all 26 american vehicles were knocked out. remaining were a gunless stuh42, a gunless spw234/1, a panther and a whirblewind. those last two really helped seal the fate of the americans, moving all over a 1200x1200 mapboard to critical spots during critical moments and turning the tide.

a sherman jumbo was an absolute terror until the panther got behind it and silenced it.


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Guest grunto

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

grunto, spoiling his own scenario...


yeah but i've got a lot of scenarios to spoil so... =grin=

there's something about this scenario. i won't name it by name. it's the first one i ever designed and isn't available for download.

i was trying to playtest it 'one last time' to see if the balance was ok... like i said, i was surprised at how the american ai held up, given my familiarity with the map and my general force composition, and even a good idea of the times and locations of the american reinforcements. at one point i nearly lost it. that was surprising.

now to be fair i hadn't looked at it for 3-4 weeks so the whole thing wasn't fresh in my mind, but the number of infantry casualties i received was far more than i'd thought possible going in.

i love it when i'm sitting there saying, 'oh yeah ai, i've got all of the advantages and in the course of this playtest, i'm gonna kick your a**' and it comes back and tweaks my nose 'real bad.'


from someone else's post up on these boards they'd said they'd bought umpteen aa vehicles and opposing air support in a test battle and could not shoot down an aircraft. that's why i was so pleasantly surprised when it said, '1 aircraft shot down' in the aar.

i just had to tell someone and in addition to that i love the 'incredible number' of vehicle wrecks this one produces.

i hope i didn't spoil this one too badly, assuming it ever sees the light of day.

in the end i'm happy to say that for a player of 'my level,' this scenario is difficult against the ai from either side.

it would be really difficult as germans if the american FOs would drop HE instead of smoke all over the german positions!!!

when i'm amis in this one i have no qualms about dropping 'a ton' of HE on the poor saps - not that they were poor saps going in but they're certainly 'poor saps' after the triple FOs, 'lt. cpls' rock, aand, and role get done with them. (yes i edited them and put in for instance, 'cpl. rock' and when playing the game it says, 'lt. cpl rock' )=grin=

anyhow... yeah with FOs i think smoke is almost always a poor substitute for HE.


i try to use afv smoke for movement coverage.

you know - as a defender - when you're relieved to see smoke that the attacker's plan is 'sub-optimal.'


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Grunto, I too have shot down a JABO or two during my own testing....hard to do but not impossible.

hehe, I have a fav scenario I made a few days ago, all I do is change time of year and weather and man -o - man, it is a different battle each time....the last time I played was Decemeber '44 with snow on the ground, dawn, and fog....

German AI kicked my fat butt all over the place...,

but I finally managed, thru shifting some TD's and Sherman's around to blunt their attack..barely...

next will be rain/mud/heavy fog.... smile.gif


unca pathy will show ya the path,

if only he could find it himself!

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As I was playing a scenario (which shall remain nameless), my two 20mm flak guns began shooting at the fighter/bomber that was attacking me...luckily for me the f/b was dropping his bombs and wasting his guns on two Panzers that had already been killed in tank-to-tank combat. eek.gif

It was a blast to get down to ground level with the 20mm's and watch them fire away cool.gif...they didn't kill the f/b...but it was still gratifying to watch...and a nice surprise as well. biggrin.gif

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