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Grrr. Just did a QB today. I decided to restrict everything to infantry on both sides (I hate armor unless it's forced on me in a scenario), with my men being high quality and the AI's being low. Now, in game my men are crack and elite and from what I could shortly see, there's was mostly green.

Now, game starts, and I move my men slowly forward to a town located in center of map. I do it carefully and make sure my men cover each other. Eventually I run into the allies, coming out of forested area. Now, by this time I have my men in town. The allied's green infantry come out of the forest to the town and the flag point. Somehow, even with relatively even forces and decent planning on my part, my men run scared into buildings and usually back out of town. And their guys, under heavy fire from us (until all my guys ran out) keep moving forward and putting my guys back. I even notice the AI's HQ's aren't even visible and are probably still in forest, where as my guys are in command with most of the commanders having attack and morale bonuses. I end up losing horribly because my guys end up getting shot in the backs while running away. Talk about absolutely sickening.

[ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Klink ]

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Perhaps it's an example of quantity having a quality all of its own. It worked for the Chinese in Korea.

If you're outnumbered five to one, and there's five times as much lead flying towards you as you're sending at them, I might submit that the thought that 'something's going to hit eventually' might just cross your mind, especially when you're low on ammo...


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