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How does Vehicle recovery work in operations?

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I am trying to create an operation and would like to know how Vehicle Recovery works exactly. It says chance of getting KO vehicles back after a few battles. Is it a % chance after 3 or 4 battles or does it occur in the morning after night has fallen? I want to do a long operation without any night battles as it is historical and night battles did not occur - So I need to know this!

Has anybody this information.

Also am I right in thinking that you mix reserves with reinfocements and do not have to set all three levels ie miss out battalion and go straight to regimental?

Many thanks

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Mark, vehicle recovery will take place at any time between battles (i.e. the abandoned vehicle will disappear) BUT usually you will only see those vehicles recovered from the battlefield back in the game after at least one night battle. Minor damages might get fixed earlier, though, like gun damage or immobilized vehicles.

You do not have to assign reinforcements in any particular order and can indeed jump right to regimental. This doesn't make regimental reinforcements more likely to appear, though.

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