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A new guy and creating a scenario!

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Is there a guideline that someone has come up with to make a scenario, or create a scenario a little less difficult. I have been finding things out the hard way and it takes myself forever to start creating a scenario. I also would like to know if anyone has a mod out their using a steel bridge, i would like to make an Arnhem scenarios. Just thought i would trow this question out to anyone interested out there.

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As far as I know there are no mods for steelbridges. However you can find a nice mod on Tom's HQ that represents more or less the type of bridge you're looking for :

generic bridge

I am working on a "Tips and Tricks of Scenario Design" page. I hope it will help you and all scenario designers out there. Just have a little patience please.

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Hey Ralph. Scenarios have varying degrees of "toughness." Some are fairly easy. Others are next to impossible.

Much depends on the skills of the player. How do you get that skill? More than anything else, by trial and error.

There are some shortcuts, of course. And you can set the geme more or less to the level of difficulty you can handle.

But more than reading, playing will give you that edge you so want to have when fighting these battles. Good luck with it.

Wild Bill

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