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Suitable scenario for Demo Play

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so here is the question - what is most suitable for a demo scenario? Do you cater to people who have never seen CMBO before? Or does it even matter? Is it possible to appeal to both new CMers and CMBO vets alike?

Medium sized scenarios like the ones for CMBO - are they necessarily the best - or should you go for the 27 square kilometre package?

Or should you have a partially functioning scenario editor instead of a demo scenario - with a limited number of troop and vehicle types, to let players of the demo try out their own combinations? Say one type of regular infantry for Russians and Germans, T-34s and Pz IVs, and 81mm mortars (kinda like a Fionnrule, sorta). Limited number of terrain types - small buildings, brush, trees and wheat only, but allow all combos of weather and elevation and map size/victory conditions.

Or should the scenarios highlight the new features of the system - sewers, urban combat, trenches, air support etc.

I kinda like the idea of a mini scenario editor, maybe released with one full bore demo scenario - large, with urban terrain and lots of fortifications outside the town.

[ July 17, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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One scenario huh? I'm more inclined to go for something like the CMBO demo where there were a few good scenarios. If it's to be just one though, I'd have to go for a very large fictional battle. Simply a Warehouses and Factory complex thing though intriguing, might not offer the scope for the new features to really shine.

Perhaps something on a very large map where there is a good mix of terrain to play around with. Maybe the same large map and 3 different OOBs and 3 different battle types - ATTACK / DEFEND, BREAKOUT / DELAY, and MEETING ENGAGEMENT.

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