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new to combat mission, and Would like a few qucick questions awnserd.

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Welcome to the forum.

I don't know what games you've played before (probably the same one's as me), but you really will learn to appreciate just how beneficial a TB game such as CMBO will be to you, especially when it comes down to wargames. I mean, my hobby (obsession?) is trying to cram as much into my head about WWII tactics and doctrine as i possible can (it keeps me off the streets and i learn sumfink), and then trying to apply as much of this knowledge into my style of playing as i can. In CMBO, careful planning and "making the most of what ya got" really does make a difference to the outcome of a game and makes you THINK about how you are going to achieve your objectives. I'm afraid that this is all something that a "click-fest" type of game isn't gonna allow you to do because of the speed your brain has to assimilate all the movement and info that is being passed before your (sore) eyes and fingers!.

Enjoy CMBO and CMBB when it comes out, and congratulations on making a very wise choice!

[ July 18, 2002, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: Manx ]

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I would also gather that why CM can't be real time is that the huge 3D map itself. It would be nearly impossible to effectively give "sensable" and "sound" orders to all of your units in a real time fashion all over the battlefield.

Being that while playing any strategy game, you, the player, are the only one in command of the troops which in it of itself is unrealistic, because in real life you would have many troops and units that could think for themselves and then of course, act on their own in an intelligent manner. By limiting the "virtual commander" to just you, in real-time, you will get an very un-realistic battle outcome.

For example, in some of my RTS games, I wished I could stop and set up more precise and sensable tactics, but they just end up being the famous "tank-rushes". Where's the fun in that?

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

the fact is when they designed CMBO the computer hardware was not fast enough to compute (with accurate armour penetration algorythms) the damage from shots fired in real time.

That seems fabulously improbable to me. Do you have any evidence for this? Just how insanely intricate is CM:BO's penetration algorithm, anyway? If it was going into the detail of something like "Tankkill" I could understand it, but I rather doubt that it is.

All the best,


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Originally posted by John D Salt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

the fact is when they designed CMBO the computer hardware was not fast enough to compute (with accurate armour penetration algorythms) the damage from shots fired in real time.

That seems fabulously improbable to me. Do you have any evidence for this? Just how insanely intricate is CM:BO's penetration algorithm, anyway? If it was going into the detail of something like "Tankkill" I could understand it, but I rather doubt that it is.

All the best,


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MadMatt says this about Armour penetration in CMBB:

"Although not mentioned much yet (cuz it envolves all sorts of geeky math stuff)

the entire internal damage system has been greatly enhanced. Due to the help of

some experts in the feild of High Explosives and Metalurgy (I think thats right)

Charles now accounts for not just the size and severity of an armor penetration

but also how much internal armor is pushed into the interior of the vehicle, how

much spalling there is, the size of the spall fragments, their effect on the crew, the

likelyhood of certain armor plates to spall or shatter internally, the size of the AP

bursting charge (assuming it has one) and the chance it might not function

properly on penetrations which don't make it cleanly through. All that plus much

much more!

Yeah it sounds very cool and it is, just not when brainy geeks start talking about

co-effecients of velocity*mass of spall fragments/density of human flesh etc...

Don't ask me for any more details on any of the above cause I don't know and the

only guy that does is Charles and he is too busy to post.

The whole ballistics system and penetration calculations are far more enhanced

due to the help of several experts in these fields. Their research, knowledge and

assistance is evident at every level of CMBB.

Guys, you are gonna love it!!!"

From this page:

on the Death Clock enquiry.

-tom w

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Nah, nah now Tom is right here. I remember that excu, er ah reasoning, being given way back when, that the computer couldn't handle all the complicated figering necessary to keep things moving fast enough. Now, I don't exactly remember the small details like co-conspirators of Vatican*mass and splat fragments/density of cranial shield etc... Thems all too deep for me. All I know is that CM is far more realistic and interface friendly than any RT system, for me anyhow.

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