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Can someone please tell me how I can change a squads command to another leader. having problems with this. Manual says to click unit once with left mouse using shift key. Trouble is how do I then get it to come under new leader.

Frustrated Grognard

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If I understand you correctly, I don't think you can actually do this. A squad can't be reassigned to another platoon HQ. If its HQ is out of contact (or out of commission), your only hope is to have a Division HQ. A leaderless squad will automatically fall under the leadership of a Division HQ, if within command range. As for weapon squads, they are under the command of the nearest HQ (assuming again the latter is within command range). Hope this helps.

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Yep yep yep to all the above. An additional little note that confused me for a while: A squad that is out of C&C of it's own platoon commander (but the commander is still alive) will still show a black 'out of C&C' line to said platoon commander even if C&C for that unit has been taken over by a nearby company commander. If you click on the company commander, you will see a red line to the squad, showing that it is in C&C.

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