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Can the Allies win Big Red Omaha?

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Got my clock cleaned out for the third straight time by the AI. I keep giving the Axis a +1 experience modifier, maybe to give me an excuse when I get crushed. I noticed it said I lost 45 vehicles which means my landing craft count against me. Can I prevent this? Starting to get paranoid on this scenario. Just waiting to hear everyone say it is a cakewalk that only a dweeb can't win.


Air Defense: Shoot 'em down, sort 'em out on the ground (AKA - if it flies, it dies)

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Actually did it twice. First time, I got a 14" observer ashore. He got 2 shots in, one of which landed amongst my own gueys. Took out three squads. On my third go around, I put all the boats on one side of the board and split the arty observers so they were in 4 boats. Two groups went toes up before landing, one of my 14" groups made it to shore and then got waxed before calling in a shot but an 8" weenie(it was close - one of the two in the group didn't make it) actually got to call in his shots. He managed to wipe out about 2 squads and the rest were wasted trying to hit a bunker.

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I almost completed this scenario, but still failed three times. Still, I came pretty close on my last try. Here is what I did:

1) Move all the boats to the left side.

2) Move spotters into different boats.

3) Move all the Bazookas to the left side of your landing party.

4) To the right of the bazookas, there should be the Hq units, Spotters, and units with satchel charges. To the far right you should put the MGs and other expendable units.

5) When the boats land, use the bazookas to kill the left wooden pillbox. Run the spotters,HQ, and Engineers to the left ramp.

6) Leave MGs,mortars, and flamethrowers on the beach to suppress the 20mm quad flak and the 81mm position.

7) I had the other group of rifle squads run to the 3rd from the left ramp and distract the enemy spotter into firing at them.

8) On the left ramp, run a few units in front of the spotter, but only allow the spotter and one HQ unit into the first house above the ramp.

9)Put the rest of the troops on the left ramp on hide and use the spotter to target the bunker tops starting with the one with the flak 20mm. You won't be able to kill the 88 bunker with 14inch arty, it seems, so use the rest of your arty to clear the houses closest to the right side of the beach.

10) With the bunker tops cleared, I sent the rest of my HQ and satchel charge teams back down to the beach and up to the 88 bunker. After rushing up behind it, I was able to destroy it and when my shermans landed none of them got killed.

My problem is that when the shermans get up to the area behind the bunker, a wespe and two light armor kill them off. To make matters worse, my tanks take small arms fire and button up which makes them easy targets for the wespe.

[This message has been edited by catnip (edited 03-13-2001).]

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I didn't find this one that hard. Didn't loose one single FO. and that of course helped a lot! The majority of the planning was spent in the setup phase, which of course is very ahistorical. Anyways. Run the FOs to the very edges of the beach below the bluffs. Nothing will hit them there. Now run all you men up to the bluffs somewhere where there is some cover from the main threats! From there just pund them with the 14" guns and your away!


By the way! I've made a beach mod...well actually it's a zip file made up of some selected bitmaps. Unzip and enjoy a new looking beach. If anyone want it...holler!



Visit http://home.c2i.net/bebenum for som tips on(flight)sim immersion hardware :)

[This message has been edited by bebbetufs (edited 03-19-2001).]

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A famous chessplayer (Tartakovr or Tarrash, I can't remember who) at the beginning of the century said something like, "Given Alekhine's positions, I can find the brilliancies as easily as him. The problem is I can't achieve these positions." In general, my FOs always ended up doing backfloats before they made it to the beach. I didn't get the chance to run them to the bluffs.


Air Defense: Shoot 'em down, sort 'em out on the ground (AKA - if it flies, it dies)

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  • 8 months later...

I started this scenario months ago...and just picked it up again last night...I suppose it took that long to digest the 85% infantry casualties I took in the 1st wave.

After the initial slaughter, I had moved my few scattered survivors into tiny battlegroups on the far right. I actually got an 8" FO to call in a mission, but his first spotting shell took out a CONFIRMED 38 of my own men (landing amongst 3 squads, 2 HQ, and a .50cal).

However, I used the 8" FO to vaporize the left-most 3 MG42s, and also punish the 2 81mm & 1 MG42 on the right (after moving my troops *the hell* away).

At turn 30, the only surviving German unit on the ridgeline is the dreaded Pak43 Pillbox. I forgot to keep smoking it with my 1st few Shermans, so the 4th one to arrive got a firey reception.

At least I've actually gotten this many tanks...I've heard that the Dog Green sectors had 32 DD tanks assigned, but 29 of them sank like rocks once the hard surf stripped off the floats.

When I started the battle a few months ago, I made the dumb mistake of, on only turn 6 or 7, trying to charge up the rightmost ramp and take on the MG42 position one by one, "rolling up the flank" (a few of these squads of course had the "!"). A single DF 81mm shell routed nearly my whole force, with 2 of the squads running 'til they exited. I should have waited until reinforcements arrived, dooh!!

Besides 4 tanks, I only have a 4/12, and 2/12 squad, and a few Lt/Capts, and zook & 3 MGs.

Its a tough one...I've had about 90% infantry casualties (I didn't move anything during setup, to avoid an ahistorical attack approach). Its too bad that they don't store on-screen what handicaps you gave the AI.

[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

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