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new UberWeapon - 20mm flak

Guest aaronb

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If you truly knew what you were talking about you would REALISE that the 2cm FlaK had lost a lot of its effectiveness vs aircraft due to the uparmouring which occured between 1939 and 1944. In effect the 2cm FlaK often lacked the ability to destroy a plane it hit. It would always damage with a hit but couldn't be relied upon to bring it down.

Therefore it DIDN'T require "balls of steel" etc it merely consisted of a redeployment of a minimally effective AAA weapon to the ground role ( where it was still effective).

As for the other stuff.

1.Scott, you are LYING when you say only one other person saw it. My partner at the time ALSO saw it and I'm not bothered about the fact that you wrote this stuff to me etc. What I DO hold a deep grudge about is the fact that what you wrote made HER cry. I've told you this before BUT you don't make THAT part public and you don't apologise properly for it you little toad.

I really don't give a **** how Steve Grammont ( the other person who saw those emails and whom I emailed them to as part of my PLEAS to him to intercede and stop you sending these emails) saw it and Steve knows for a fact that if he EVER ONCE tells me your emails were justified that I'll walk away from CM in a heartbeat since I don't want ANYTHING to do with someone who thinks that it is justified to make my partner cry just because he has a grudge against me. NOTHING justifies a hate-filled bastard like you sending emails to my private address and making my partner cry. What you wrote didn't really bother me all that much. It DID hurt someone I loved and THAT is why I have a problem.

You CONTINUALLY avoid that issue and make out that I have some problem with what you wrote etc. I'm a big guy, I can take a fight if you want to bring it on BUT the fact that you hurt someone I love IS the final straw.

As for the email.. DUDE.. Why would I tell a hate-filled little bastard like you what upset my wife so much? Why would I tell you WHAT TO SAY TO HURT HER AND ME AGAIN? If I tell you what hurt then I FULLY EXPECT such a rotten excuse for humanity as yourself to use it again to hurt me/her.

If I had a phobia I wouldn't tell a sadist what it was in case he'd use it against me. Same reason I won't tell you. I think you're a disgusting excuse for a human and I don't trust you one iota. I certainly don't trust you enough to attack self-admitted weak points.

And in closing... You should put yourself in my shoes. IF you came home one day and saw your wife crying after reading emails from me wouldn't YOU be upset at me? Of COURSE you'd be.

Honestly though I fully believe that you are DELIGHTED that your hate-filled emails hurt me and mine so deeply since I've never received a proper apology from you and THAT is why I hate you so deeply.

Now, let's just drop it. Until you make recompense you can't expect quarter from me. The ball truly is in your court.

[This message has been edited by Fionn (edited 07-16-2000).]

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