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Curious QB Troop Quality Effect.

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I recently played (and lost -- to my 6-year old son) a Quick Battle.

The curious part of it was that I ended up with a Veteran Volksturm Platoon in February 1945. What makes that curious is that when I went into the Scenario Editor later to see what such a thing costs, it wasn't available. Volksturm infantry was limited to Regular or lower quality.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but it seems like the QB generator isn't quite as constrained with regard to quality as the scenario editor.

(Anyway, I had 1 Vet Volksturm platoon plus another Panzerschreck -- like they needed anymore -- and an HMG to probe against 2 Polish Airborne platoons, a Vickers and barbed wire, roadblock, daisy chain and AP minefields. The terrain was flat with essentially no tree cover (I think there was one tile of scattered trees). The Volksturm were slaughtered.)

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In QBs, you are allowed to have any exprience of units. This is so if your opponent sends you a setup in which you have a high experience level, but are assigned volksstrum, you can still fight.

In the scenario editor, if you want to make your volksstrum veterans, you can doubleclick the units in the seclection screen, and change their experience along with ammo levels and such.

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