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Diggin' in...

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I don't think you specify entrenchment status when building the scenario (other than allowing vehicles to be dug in). It happens during play in the setup phase. Defending units that set up in appropriate terrain automatically get foxholes to set up in (personally, I'd like to see this as an option controlled by the defender; sometimes I don't want foxholes giving away my positions).


Leland J. Tankersley

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I agree with your point there, LJT. I liked the way it was in Close Combat where you could actually SEE the holes and the facings of them when you were setting up. This "feature" should also be available during scenario-creation, especially when you want to tie certain units to a specific location on the map...


The Fox

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I find i see foxholes giving away the enemy very early, usually if the unit is quite small tho such as snipers or AT teams. a ten man infantry team mostly appears at the same as the foxhole. i agree with optional foxholes tho as snipers and AT teams are usually the people you dont want seen for ambushes etc



"If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

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