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additional game cd for CM

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I just got Combat Mission and I think the game is really good. It took some getting used to as I'm used to playing games like the Close Combat series. What I'm wondering about is; how do I load the additional game cd that came with CM? I've got the 1st game cd loaded & it plays with no problems. I'd like to know how to load the 2nd cd so that I can access all those additional scenarios. Any help would be really appreciated.


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Thanks for the help. When I put the 2nd CD in the drive nothing seems to happen though. Is there something I'm supposed to do first? Am I missing something? There are no instructions in the CM user manual for the additional CD.

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I have that same version of CMBO as you. If I remember correctly (cant check it now) the extra super bonus CD contains scenarios and mods (mods=better graphics, no new features as in some games)... Just copy the new scenarios into your CMBO scenario folder. The mods go into your BMP-folder. Remember to unpack them though beforehand. I cant remember now if there was CMMOS included on the extra cd... Can anybody confirm this? Anyway, if theres CMMOS on the cd, read the included readme-file. Also, for tips, use the search function and this message-board. There are tons of tips regarding it here...

Best of luck, Jussi

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Thanks for the all the help. It took me a little while but I got all those extra scenarios on. Played one just now. Now the next hurdle is to figure out how to get those new "mods" on. Some of them look really good. To hell with it right now! I 'm going to bed!!!

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