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Note to all Scenario Authors Uplaoding to CMHQ-Depot!!!

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt


Many peoples files will not download and its primarily due to some funky assed file names you guys are submitting.

Please try and use the normal dos based 8.3 naming convention. That means a filename NO LONGER THAN EIGHT CHARCTERS followed by a "." and then the "zip" extension.

You can name the battle INSIDE the zip however you want but the depot doesn't like spaces and extra periods and punctuation in the zip filename.

Here is an example of how you should name a battle called "Big Can of Whoop Ass"

make the zip file named: madbcowa.zip

The "mad" in the front indicates its from Madmatt and will prevent duplicate naming of files.

Hell you guys could just put your intiails and NUMBER the files if you want, as in WildB225.zip for Wild Bills 225th submission. Whatever you want but PLEASE follow the rules!




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

Combat Mission HQ


Proud members of the Combat Mission WebRing

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 08-31-2000).]

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On a side note: I don't mean to be critical but the Depot is by far the worst part of your site. I know that you don't have that much control over it, but it would be worth the investment of time to fix it up. Three main problems. A minor one: the fact that you can only rank both PBEM and vs. AI. Two major ones: the giant frame with guidelines for submision... the info is nessisary, but it takes up a good 1/3rd of the screen, and I'm using 1024x[something apropriate] res. Also, the site is slow as all heck. Anyway, just my 2 cents worth.


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Guest Madmatt

Once again, let me say for the record that:

I didnt Design It!

I can't Change It!

I know it's slow as snot!

It is a program designed for and by The Gamers Network and was made very generic to be able to support multiple types of games.

It is not run ON, BY, AT or WITH CMHQ.

It is a standalone utility that I have done my damndest to incorporate into CMHQ.

That is all...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

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Now understand how you got your nickname.

For what it is worth, I think it is great place to upload scenarios!

Keep up the good work and support for BTS!



"Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after they occur."

General Guilio Douhet


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