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Platesting beta version scanario

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I need some paytesters to test a scenario I made. I haven't typed up any briefing yet. The scenario is completely fictional. It basically involves a small group of poles seizing a bridge just within german lines. German reinforcements trickle in slowly whereas the allies get three big reinforcements. 1 polish around turn 7 and two french around turns 16 & 19. The battle is 30 turns in duration. I've posted a link that should allow you to download it. Plz post your reviews here or email them to me at Achiles1_2000@yahoo.com. Cya, bye!


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Well in a way it's a good thing the link didn't work. I was planning on modifying the scenario a bit more. So I won't be able to get it out to you until early tomorrow morning. though I'm not sure I wanna test your operation. I'll outline exactly why in the email but if you still want me to test it I will be glad to. Be forewarned though that I may take my time so it could take a while to get back to you.Cya, bye!

[ April 29, 2002, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: Achiles ]

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