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HQs and Tommies vs. Armor

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I've seen a few threads in this vein before, but I would love to hear the experience of all who have attempted to close assault tanks with HQ units or any other unit that does not have a specific anti tank weapon (faust, rifle grenade, etc.)

Is the above possible and furthermore, why don't British regulars have Gammon bombs or something? Is it historically accurrate that they didn't have any squad level anti tank weapon other than specific Piat teams?

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I've KO'ed a Panther with British airborne after the ran out of gammon bombs. - it took a while and a few men.

If you give something like a gammon bomb to a squaddie, you have to train him to use it properly - a faust is simpler to operate than a gammon bomb.

As british infantry has Piats at platoon level, you'll usually get enough to cover the lack of organic AT weapons.

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