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Everything posted by icecreamsoldier

  1. I've seen a few threads in this vein before, but I would love to hear the experience of all who have attempted to close assault tanks with HQ units or any other unit that does not have a specific anti tank weapon (faust, rifle grenade, etc.) Is the above possible and furthermore, why don't British regulars have Gammon bombs or something? Is it historically accurrate that they didn't have any squad level anti tank weapon other than specific Piat teams?
  2. Thanks for all the input. Even with everyone off and running on BB, this board has never let me down.
  3. Anyone out there have any experience attacking with Sturmplatoons? They seem to be a force to be reckoned with on paper. This is actually a subpart of a larger question - suggestions for force selection (2250 pts on attack as Axis). Thanks in advance for any thoughts and assistance.
  4. I don't have the game available to confirm this, but isn't there a scenario and an operation? I'm assuming you're talking about the scenario. I've had success (and a great time, to boot) with the operation and could offer a few tips. No experience with the scenario.
  5. Thanks for the prompt and effective assistance Lobo Rojo
  6. I know this question is general, but how is CMBO scored? There is a "scoring" item in the Anthology but the link goes no where. My intersted was spurred on this issue by the recent mention of how one half of separated split squads count as dead at the end of a battle. And do kills count for more the more expensive the unit? It's not that I want to play gamey - however, I want to make sure I'm cognizant of scoring issues so I don't screw myself in close games by doing things such as leaving squads split.
  7. It never ceases to amaze me - the support that one can get from the cmbo community at large. Thanks for all the input. I think it was Marcus Aurelius who said the only thing more important than doing the right thing, is discovering when you are doing the wrong thing (or maybe it was Cpl. Himmelstoss from All Quiet on the Western front, I can't remember) BTW, what are peoples' strategies regarding when to manually button up - if ever?
  8. One time in a pbem quick battle, I purchased a King Tiger and after riding boldly into the breach - my commander was shot while riding up top unbuttoned. Since then I always manually button my tanks at all times because it doesn't appear to affect their LOS. Am I missing something here by not leaving armor unbuttoned at long ranges (or any range, for that matter)? Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks
  9. I have recently purchased CMBO and already my personal life is in shambles. I think it was Butthead who once said "THIS is the coolest thing I've ever seen" Anyway, my question is: I've been hitting all the great CMBO enthusiast sites out there and have begun to salivate at the thought of using some of the "mods" you guys have created. Problem is, I am somewhat computer challenged and would have no idea what to do with the mods that I download. Could somebody lend this little brother a hand without using too many acronyms? Thanks in advance.
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