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A 2nd Job

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Great scenario WBW. Friday night I thought I won it-- just a little mopping up. Saturday I wasn't too certain, and by Sunday I surrendered. Great emotional swings. Gave it a five star against a human (which is, btw, a generous characterization of Juardis).
















I really could have used another platoon of troops-- two if that isn't too greedy. The tanks were nice, but before I realized it I was fighting for a draw as scads of new krauts started running in (plus their damnable armor).


"Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!"

--British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races

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It is truly awesome as a double blind PBEM. The first few turns I was feeling good. I was advancing nicely then one of my armored pieces got bogged and Havermeyer caught a few of my troops in the open and sent them running like scared hamsters. I started thinking bad thoughts, but I managed to regroup and gain the slight advantage (I use the term advantage loosely because I rarely felt I had it). I was pressing forward, inflicting more casualties than taking and got a few lucky arty hits in. I'm smelling victory now. Then he takes out some of my assets and halted my advance. He counter attacked and a bitter battle ensued. I had to redirect some units to fight off his attack and I truly wasn't feeling good about the situation. In the end though I managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat (won't say much more for fear of giving spoilers).

In one battle I went from feeling good to bad, to good again then to bad again, until I finally won. Much thanks Wild Bill.

5 stars vs. humans.


Jeff Abbott

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