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What do I do with company and batallion HQs?

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Use them as a flexible platoon HQ; they can put essentially any unit in command, so if you have a leaderless platoon, they can take over. You can send them to hot spots to rally broken troops without having the troops HQ leave the frontline to do it. You can use them to put gun emplacements and mortars in command so they are less likely to break when the inevitable artillery barrage comes. And their eyes make great jam for toast!

j/k about that last part.... their eyes really aren't any better than anyone else's.


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Originally posted by Omi:

I really don't know. On one mission, I had 3 of them with a Kubel. I had no idea what to use them for. Do they have some sort of "overall" moral bonus even if they are not in communication with platoons?

No. There are really several different uses for them, depending upon what youa re doing and what resources are at your command.

You can use them to help on-board artillery units, particularly if you have an HQ with morale or combat bonuses. The HQ will make it harder for the enemy to get crews to abandon weapons and will help in hitting targets.

You can also use them to spot for on-board mortars within their command radius. Simply post the HQ on top of a hill with a clear view of the enemy and place the mortars behind the hill within his command radius. Then, the moratrs can shoot at any location the HQ can see!

Finally, you can use them to back up your moving or assaulting infantry. I like to move a decent company or battalion HQ up behind assaulting troops in case the enemy identifies and takes out, panics, etc., one of my platoon HQs. The presence of the backup HQ keeps that platoon's squads in play for the rest of the attack or movement, and makes it harder to break them than would otherwise be true.


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Whenever possible I keep a company HQ close(ish) behind its platoons- far enough back not to splatted by the same artillery/ambush. Close enough to step in to rescue a HQ-less platoon or to "catch" retreating paniced squads and get them moving forward again.

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Your company HQs are the most important foot units you have, other than FOs. Used right they dramatically increase the flexibility of your force. Don't waste them.

Whereas a platoon HQ can lead only its organic squads (weapons HQs have none) plus any teams, company and battalion HQs can lead any unit, including line squads organic to any platoon. They do not have to be subordinates.

They therefore allow you to escape the limitions of the usual command structure and "task" your units in ways tailored to their particular missions. And they let you change such arrangements on the fly.

Any HQ can spot for your mortars, so use the least useful one. If it is a platoon HQ, give its men to a company HQ and let the company HQ lead that platoon.

Cross attach pioneers with them to clear minefields. Make super platoons for key jobs, while using small ones with attached weapons for others.

Put a company HQ in a force with 2 line platoons, and have the HQ command the 2 center squads. You can now send any number of squads in the force right or left without losing command. Just pass squads to the company HQ or to the platoon on one wing as needed.

A lone platoon without a company HQ is fragile and has very limited tactical flexibility. It must stay in one spot. If one unit is broken the whole force become fragile. If anyone routs out of command range they take forever to rally, or the HQ must chase them while leaving the rest leaderless.

Put a company HQ nearby, and either can lead or rally as is more convienent. The company can step in if the platoon breaks. They can be in several spots, spread over a much wider area, in any portions desired.

If you've been trying to fight all of your battles in the 40m wide straightjacket of platoon HQs only over their assigned squads, you are doing everything the hard way. Your higher HQs are your ticket to freedom and tactical flexibility.

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