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Sharshooters. Espacially in Stalingrad Scenarios.

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I liked that scenario. When I played it, I was on the low side of the learning curve and managed to lose most of my offensive HE capacity in the first couple of turns.

Sharpshooters is a topic that has been played out here and reviewing some of these discussions might provide some background for you.

The basics are that the ammo isn't represented bullet for bullet and that the targets selected is not exactly straight forward. They seem to want to have a certain distance and cover before targeting.

I guess you have to play around a bit more with them. They can take out tank commanders and leaders which can certainly have connected effects on other troops morale.

They definitely are not worthless even if they are not Rambo-esque slaying machines.


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They are absolutely excellent at killing TCs. When the Panzers came out onto the square in that scenario, the sharpshooters killed the TCs in one turn, leaving the tanks easy prey to the 45mms. Even though I didn't kill them outright, they were immobilized and soon thereafter either the crews bailed or were unable to pick targets. The air support was icing on the cake.

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