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Multiple hit's on Armor...

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I think the multiple hit aspect of tank killing is pretty huge.. though I

wish they'd up the shock value of a penetration..

I bet when a tanker gets a round thru his turret he's sh&^ting pickles, his

ears are ringing, and it's pretty much a 'shocked' enviroment.

I've seen t34's get hit and continue shooting rapidly.. I propse to at least pause the


sorta like they do with AT guns when they're under fire..

otherwise I love it smile.gif

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That's odd....I noticed the same thing with a couple of T-34s.....though most of them didn't last very long anyway versus the bunch of Panthers we were facing.

I've been trying to pay attention to this subject, but haven't had enough examples yet. From what I've read, a turret penetration would pretty much put the crew out of action for some time (excepting maybe the driver/loader). I did read one account of a shot going clean through a turret, neither exploding nor doing any major damage. Even then, the turret occupants were briefly stunned, maybe just from the surprise of realizing they were still alive...

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Guest Panzer Boxb

I've seen it go both ways for both myself and my opposition. In some instances the penetration causes no casualties but a noticeable delay in the resumption of fire while at other times they just keep banging away. I do believe BFC stated that the penetration path has been modelled in more detail so it is possible a penetrating round not being noticed. I have seen reports of this happening.

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