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Wiltz:A *great* scenario...***small spoiler***

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I'm still playing this one against the AI after I moved on to another couple of scenarios midway through it,and I think this one may be the most fun I've had against the AI(I generally don't get much of a thrill going against AI in wargames).

I first thought it would be a rollover when the computer(playing the Americans) lost some armor early,but they took out most of my armor soon afterward,and now they are mounting heavy and somewhat coordinated infantry attacks on the VL's.I think I will win,especially since I have a platoon on the right flank performing a flanking maneuver through the outskirts of Wiltz,which should decide the issue,but the fight on the hill around the left VL has been fierce,costing me heavy casualties.

The map for this one is wonderful,and the short length makes for great fun.I have found that using the gridded terrain is a tremendous time saver on this map.

My only regret is that I didn't save this one for a blind email game.


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Guest Napoleon1944

I played the Americans and decimated the sluggish AI Germans. They did however get some inf on the hill on the left flank. The MVP unit was the M-10. I think I lost about 11 men and a few tanks.

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What I really appreciated abouot this sceanrio was the map itself. With some careful inspection a host of alternatives open up. One tactic I found fun was to send infantry and Puma's around the backside thru the woods and down by the river. The need to provide at leaast a screen on that back door can cause a real problem. Also a nice ambush w/ the M10 and MG and 'schreck are possible by staying in the woods by the ford where they first enter.

All and all, a wonderful experience, like an onion or a beautiful girl, it gives up it's mysteries slowly, layer by layer smile.gif


"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"

-- King Henry VI, Part II, Act 4, sc.2, l.86

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