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Maybe I'm just using them wrong but everytime I use snipers I can't help but feel like they're just a crew with less ammo. They only get 10 ammo and they are not 1 shot 1 kill units. Hell, I've had one that weren't even able to get a 10 to 1 ratio (yes that means they killed no one) and I provided them with a nice room on a second floor overlooking an open feild with little SS bullseyes running about. I had 1 sniper, on the second floor of a heavy stone building, on a hill, overlooking a feild with a few scattered trees. Of an entire platoon moving through there he was unable to net a single kill between 400 and 50 meters. Maybe the machine gunners or infantry stole some of his kills but it seems to me that a sniper (18 for a single man) should be able to at least pick off one guy...

I await enlightenment and will accept anything short of exile to the archives (shudders at the thought of the search engine...)

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I suppose you are using them wrong. wink.gif

Sharpshooters, as they're called in the game are excellent at a few things:

1) Button up AFVs at up to 600m. One shot is always(?) enough, sometimes taking out the TC in the process.

2) Scouting in front of your lines. Sharpshooters excell in stealth and usually can stay unspotted from nearby enemies.

They can also be used to suppress and take out enemy HQs and heavy weapons teams, including arty spotters.

Against pure infantry they're not that effective. frown.gif

Oh, and don't rely on the "kills" record in the game. Since they shoot at long range they'll rarely get a confirmed kill.



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I used to feel the same way. However, if you use a crack or elite sharpshooter, your opinion will change dramatically. They are worth their weight in gold. In one QB, I had an elite sniper and a JPZIV(70) stop an entire British armored assault, where the JPZ ended up with 13 armored vehicle kills. Watching the battle, I would view from the sharpshooter's perspective, and one after another, he would take out the commanders of the tanks and gunners of halftracks, which would then wander up the road while buttoned up, where they met up with an unbuttoned JPZ. Completely changed my opinion of the value of the sharpshooter.



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A decent discussion on sniper/sharpshooters can be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum7/HTML/000041.html

Probably the best way to use them effectively is to give them a fairly wide, long field of fire and let them pick their targets. I rarely do anything with my snipers other than move them when enemy infantry gets too close (under 150m).

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