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Prisoner End Game Bug

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I just did a test and it seems that if that you hit surrender during a game, all the surrendered prisoners (at least in this instance) retain their weapons and grenades. Not a big deal, but...

...if you go into Quick Battle and load that map and forces (along with a newly generated force mix), the former prisoners start the new game fully armed. It's also not possible to edit the saved game file in the editor (is it?)

Perhaps prisoners who come about due to a global surrender at game end should have their weapons taken from them?

I was fooling around trying to figure out how to get prisoners at game start, to see if a prison camp rescue scenario might be possible.

Maybe in CM2 we can have the option of putting prisoners in the scenario editor, along with immobilized, abandoned or destroyed vehicles, etc?

EDIT - just did a second test, where I surrendered the Germans after moving them forward to contact.

I put the saved game in the QB generator, and sure enough an entire German company started in no man's land, with weapons - you could not issue them orders, as they were still marked "Prisoner" but they still had their weapons and grenades.

SECOND EDIT - Playing the second game, all the prisoners just tend to rout to the map edges - half to the enemy side, half to the friendly side! No matter how many friendly troops they contact or how far they get from the enemy, they retain their prisoner status and simply walk off the board, zombie like.

[ October 20, 2002, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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