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Question about assualt command

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This new command is really useful but, er, I'm having trouble using it. I can give my troops the assualt command if it's their first movement order, but I can't give it has the second or third. Say I want to give my troops advance for 75m, and then I want to give them assualt for the last 25. Problem is, after I've given them the advance order (or any other movement) I can't give them assualt. What gives? I already read the manual, and my troops meet all the criteria to use the command. They should be able to assualt as an ending movement order.

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Captain Wacky, the idea is that troops need to stop, gather their bearings and prepare themselves for an assault. We didnt want allow people to run through two buildings and then assault the last one as that wouldnt be realistic for what we wanted the assault command to represent.

An assault is a pre planned attack on an enemy position. It can be very effective, but make sure the bad guys are at least somewhat suppressed first smile.gif


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