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CMBB demo on Mac OS X not loading

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I downloaded the CMBB demo. When launching I get the 'Night on Bald Mountain' music then a statement saying: 'requires a minimum 600 x 800' then the program crashes and it goes back to my desktop. Well, I have that minimum and have tried changing settings to my screen but the load continues to crash no matter what I do. I'm running a new G4 Titanium Powerbook (800mhz model). Thanks for any help you can give me.


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This should probably be somewhere on the download page (if it isn't). CMBO and CMBB are not designed to run in OS X (or Classic _in_ OS X). Boot into OS 9 to play or do a search in the Tech or CMBO forums on how to get a workaround. The workaround looks really bad and goes really slowly because it cannot take advantage of hardware rendering.

Heck, do a search in the forums for this topic just to see the lengthy discussions about this. OS X support just doesn't seem likely until the engine re-write.

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Welcome to the mad, bad world of Combat Mission (on the Mac).

If your trying to start it up in OSX via classic, don't expect much. Try system booting from OS 9.2 and run the demo from there.

For a more thorough explanation of the ins and outs of CM and Macs try a search for 'OSX' and 'rave'

Have fun.

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