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overclock this baby??????

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This is going to vary from brand to brand and from card to card. Some manufacturers supposedly purchase higher-rated chips or install better memory on their cards. However someone else could be running the exact same card as you, but get noticeably different results. You will have to experiment with these settings yourself to get a definitive answer as to where your overclocking boundaries exist. Tom's Hardware has some benchmarks on overclocked GeForces, but no exact methodology on overclocking is posted there.

Since CM is very sensitive to overclocked cards then this may be a good test for your overclocking. I'd suggest cranking up the clock speeds at 10Mhz a try. Run through several large scenarios (for a few hours of continuous operation) before upping the clock again. Usually the Core clocks can go quite high (within their range), but you'll see little performance difference. Memory on the other hand is going to be a lot more touchy in regards to overclocking but it will also reap the biggest speed benefits. If you can, increase the clock on the memory at 5Mhz a try (or whatever is the lowest increment).

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 07-15-2000).]

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