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CM III? Blitzkrieg!

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I propose that the next game in the CM series should be the early stages of the war, you know, when Germany was kicking everybody around!!! Have the assault on Poland, Norway, the Low Lands, France and of course North Africa!!! Perhaps some "what ifs?" like operation Sea Lion! Just thought I'd send this out to see what people thought!


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My vote would be this. Since Blitzgrieg period covers such as small span in time (39-40), and since CM2 and CM3 will both cover much longer periods (41-45), and that much of the allies equipment in Italy 43-45 also saw action in France 44-45 that CM4 will be expanded to be the war in the west that covers France and Norway 40 and revisits France 44-45 plus Poland 39 thrown in for good measure. That way one won't have to wait to CM 5 to revist CM1 with all the new cool feaures.

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