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DL Accellerators are evil.

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Link to one reason they are bad.

Browser accellerators seem to be the worst, pre-caching all links on any pages you are looking at. Easy when you want to go look at one of those links, but it crushes the web servers you're looking at.

DL accellerators act like multiple downloads, putting the different DL pieces back together into 1 file at the end. Yes it is faster, but you are doing it at the expense of all the other users connected to the server. If everyone was using it, there would be no speed advantage. You are basically hoarding as much of the DL speed as you can and not being a very friendly internet user. The more people use it, the worse the connections will be for standard downloaders. They can't be blocked because the programs lie to the web servers about what they are. The DL programs say they are unique DLs from unique computers. If the DL program responded truthfully to the server request, it would usually be blocked.

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