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Hold The Line - QB AAR


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July 1944

Quick Battle


German Assault with High Quality SS Motorized infantry and Armor

American Forces


4x TRP

155mm Artillery Spotter - Vet

2x Snipers - Reg

Rifle Company with Support weapons – Reg

81mm Mortar - Reg

2x M4A3 Sherman tank – Reg

M10 Tank Destroyer – Vet

2x 57mm AT guns – Reg

90mm AA gun – Reg

Troop Setup

Turn 1 – Not much happening…yet. A few enemy infantry units have been spotted at the east end of the battle field, but are to far away to engage.

Turn 2 – Crap! Never say “It’s too quite” Never ever say that! Lots of more enemy infantry at the east end of the battle field. Plus a PZIV just jumped and lost a quick draw battle with my two Sherman M4A3’s.

Turn 3 – Lots of sound contacts with enemy infantry in the SE. Another PZIV just took out one of the Sherman’s before going back into hiding. I’m going to keep my troops under cover for now and let enemy get closer before opening up.

Turn 4 – Oh boy, I now have two confirmed Marder II’s, A PZIV, and a possible Panther. Looks like the enemy is advancing on all fronts. I’ve ordered all mortars to fire at the SE most TRP in hopes of taking out an open top Marder and the infantry spotted around it.

Turn 5 – One of the Marder’s turned out to be a Hummel. He and my other Sherman are currently playing a game of dodge ball by shooting and retreating behind a small hill. I’ve switched the Mortar strike to the North most TRP in hopes of getting the Hummel, or at least forcing him to button like I did to the Marder SE of my lines.

Turn 6 – Oh boy, the other Marder turned out to be a Hummel as well. I’ve ordered both the Mortars and the 155mm Artillery to fire at the SE TRP in hopes of taking out the now large amount of infantry contacts spotted there. Also I’m moving the M10 up a bit in hopes of taking out the Panther.

Turn 7 – Woot! The Sherman took out both another PZIV and a Hummel. It looks like the German’s main push is against my SE lines. I’ve given a few ambush orders but not much else. M10 still hasn’t made contact with the enemy yet.

Turn 8 – Win some lose some. The Sherman got tag teamed by a PZIV and a Panther, but the M10 killed a Hummel in retaliation. I’m hoping to flank his remaining armor with the M10.

Turn 9 – Tiger and the M10 exchanged shots. Neither was hit and the M10 popped smoke and pulled back. I’ve ordered the 90mm AA gun and a .30 MG to start shooting at the Infantry to the SE.

Turn 10 – Give and take again. The 90mm AA got another Hummel, but I lost my M10. Now the enemy tanks are heading SE too. Things are starting to not look too good. The Krauts are going hell bent for leather for the SE most VL

Turn 11 – The Tiger turned out to be another PZIV, not to mention the 90mm AA took out the Panther! I’ve called the last of the 155mm down on the mass of infantry attacking the SE VL. It should arrive in another turn or two.

Turn 12 – 90mm AA gun is toast. Enemy still has a SP? And PZIV active plus lots of infantry. All I have let for AT capability is a few poorly placed 57mm AT guns and some Bazooka teams

Turn 13 – Massive Artillery strikes on the SE VL. I’m abandoning that position and moving what troops are left to the collection of buildings at the west end of the map.

Turn 14 - The rout from the SE VL location continues.

Turn 15 – A Bazooka team was just wiped out by a PZIV. The 155mm is finally firing and is raining hell down on the Germans in the woods.

Turn 16 – SE VL just went German. PZIV on a rampage in the collection of buildings at the West end of the map.

Turn 17 – Germans have taken 2 VLs in the SE and are now rolling north.

Turn 18 – Yeah! Payback is a bitch! A whole mess of Germans just got bushwhacked at the Center VL. The last of the 155mm was fired this turn. I don’t know how effective it was, but I think is slowed them down some.

Turn 19 – The Slaughter continues

Turn 20 – One of 57mm AT guns just took out another PZIV. If my math is right, all the Germans have left is a possible HT that’s been floating around and a SP(?)

Turn 21 – Massive Artillery and SP gun strike on the center VL. Pulling back.

Turn 22 – Smooth, the Germans just dropped a bunch of Arty on their dead comrades. Those SS troops are tough! ;)

Turn 23 – Ouch…Jerry just dropped Rocket Mortar rounds on his own troops. I saw at least one squad get wiped out!

Turn 24 – Turns out our Mystery SP(?) is a Stug III

Turn 25 – Still Falling back. Center VL about to fall.

Turn 26 – HT(?) showed itself again. About to be introduced to 57mm AT gun.

Turn 27 – Damn HT won’t give me a clear shot.

Turn 28 – Center VL just went German.

Turn 29 – Battle is just about over and I just about have the Germans contained. A Bazooka team and the Stug are currently engaged in a slugging match. Another Bazooka team on the way to help.

Turn 30 – Bazooka 1 Stug 0! The line has stabilized for the most part. All his armor except for the HT is gone and I still have a fresh Platoon and a few Bazooka teams in reserve.

The new front lines...

And so ends the battle with an Allied Tactical Victory. Here are the Stats:


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