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Interesting Routed Behavior

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In a June '41 QB I had a MkII panzer (independent veh) come under fire from a large number of Soviet light tanks. It took a lot of hits and there were several penetrations. Eventually it lost a crew member and became "shocked". Over the course of this encounter the morale state went to "routed". However while all of this was happening the tank continued to fire on the enemy afvs with no noticeable reduction in firing rate. It even delivered several penetrating hits on enemy units while it was shocked and routed. At the end of the action phase the tank was out of my control remaining so for the rest of the game and did not fire another shot.

Strange eh?


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I have had the same thing happen. It would seem to be inconsistent (i.e. a bug) with the "routed" behavior of other units (i.e. infantry) in the game, or is it?

In CMBO "Shocked" AFV's will usually start firing and maneuvering again, but I have never seen this happen in the same turn that the "shocked" result occurred.

In my CMBB case, there was no interruption in the firing rate. Could this be, as stated in a post above, that the computer has determined that the gunner was not injured and so the AFV may continue to fire? :confused:

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