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HELP NEEDED! Hopefully someone knows how to do this..

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I spent the last two weeks designing this kick as scenerio. I had the thing completed and somehow when I went to load up another new map, I ( much to my enjoyment :mad: :mad: :mad: ) over-rode the whole damn thing.

But before I did this, I gave it a quick once over in the game level. I booted up the map, played the first three turns, then shut it down.

My thoughts and my question:

I still have the Autosave copy of the map from that test run. Now I'm a programmer by nature but damned if I can figure it out. From best I can tell this is the header:


and this is the footer:

(15 spaces following by a character)

but that's about it. I would think I should be albe to extract the map code from this file so I can at least salvage some of that work I did on this puppy. I also assume that each of these files is divided into maps, briefings, units, and then the moves and present battlefield conditions (losses, etc, for each side). So I think I need to extract the map, briefing, units, BUT not the moves. I am unsure however if this is possible.

Can anyone help me here? I guess the bottom line here is "Can the map and units can be extracted from the Autosave .cmb file"?

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