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Q: Using smoke and mobility of the 88

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I'm really missing the ability to directly order my tanks to use smoke for there defence (in this case PzII and P38t and both of them had shown the capability to fire smoke under the detail window). I'm sure that would have saved some of them in the past. I've tested various retreat techniques and they seem to use there smoke-ammo by themself only on a very random basis (if at all) or when hit/inmobilized.

Why this design decision?

The Flak 88 for instance support the ability to directly order it to fire smoke shells (though more for offensive tactics?).

As for the Flak, I was able to declutch a 88 from a truck and used it to destroy a tank. Then I wanted to move it further ahead by using the truck again but couldn't find a way to get the flak reconnected...

Also, by testing, my tanks hit the main gun of an KV1 and he stopped firing but there was no status report nor damage grafic which stated clearly that the gun was inoperable (perhaps this is intended and realistic as you are not able to see this damage over a great distance)?

Hoping for some answers...

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About the 8.8

It was a damn heavy piece of equipment and took quite some time to set up. Combat Mission is about tactical movements so you can´t move an 8.8 during a fight. However, if you got a prime mover able to tow the 8.8 you may move it during the firepauses of an operation.

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Why would it take so long for a gun to setup? That´s OK for an artillery piece, which has to determine its exact position to fire at the right place, or maybe if the flak was to be used for air defense by a central director, but why should a gun used for direct fire take so long? I admit, I don´t know much about that, but the time given at http://www.achtungpanzer.com/88mm.htm seems much more realistic to me.

After all, there were six to ten men who all knew what to do. What would they do in the remaining time? Smoking cigarettes? ;)

[ October 01, 2002, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

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