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New Scenario

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I have produced and am in the testing stage of a new scenario - A Midnight Clear

It is a fictional German attack and is best played as a PBEM.

If anyone who plays PBEM regularly and has a relatively quick turn around time would like to test it out and could give me comments, I would appreciate it (and give you credit in the briefing).

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Just a modest bump to look for anyone else who wants to give this new one a try and give me some feedback. It will play best vs a human (TCP/IP OK with a >5 minute delay)or play as the Germans vs the AI.

My e-mail is in my profile or post here.

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Sorry for the delay in the AAR. A great scenario! The night feature really puts the

battle face to face! I left the units in place (defualt setup). As the allies, I was

taken by suprise by the AI on the far left side of the front line. The kraut tanks were easly picked off, except the Tiger, who blow

a big hole in my lines.

The reenforcements (tanks) that came up,

blow out any krauts (and their armor) that was still on the far right side of the map.

With the snow and it's difficulties, one must play ahead to keep the Brits fresh. The only thing that I would recomend would be to increase the battle turn number. It was at 30? I might push that to 40 or 45 due to the slowed movements caused by the snow.

Thanks, feel free to just send another one around for a test.

Later, Kurt

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Thanks for your feedback Kurt. I wanted to keep the turn count to 35 in order to press the Germans into making hasty action since I think they have a large enough force to win if they act promptly and even if they lose some vehicles to bogging.

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