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The West Wall Op

Guest Pillar

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I got a Major Allied victory at the end of the second day. I lost 27 vehicles, but I got to the other side of the wall.



"Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency; we are winning."

(Colonel David M. Shoup, USMC, Tarawa, 21 November 1943.)

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Guest Pillar

My first time ever playing it, and I won the op on the very first battle. My only lossses were two tanks (both Sherman 75) and a Halftrack.

I thought maybe it was too easy or something?

Anyhow, about loosing the halftrack -- it was cool because a woodan MG bunker scored the kill. I watched as the tracer came towards it and I guess a few bullets hit the fuel tank, because the HT REALLY brewed up! 3 crew survived, but the 12 Infantry inside didn't.

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I think I played this op last night... I scored a total victory with minor losses (6 vehicles). My furthest advances had me 3/5 to 4/5 across the map (probes, at best). This was my first op, and it turned out too easy, methinks...


"Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!"

--British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races

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I swept right and feinted left (as Amis). I had a stuart across the bridge on the last turn, and troops about 15 m away from the island left. I had completed the right side and was pushing troops toward the left, and had a sizable presence in the town.


"Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!"

--British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races

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Guest Pillar

Interesting... I took the other option and went for the island, thinking it would be a good defensive position anticipating an axis counter-attack.

I got all the way to the other side of the map.

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Spoiler info below:

The German side of the battle is not fixed, so the AI is left to place the pillboxes and bunkers as it sees fit. And in the first scenario, the pillboxes, minefields, bunkers, and panther tanks are of dire consquence. If the AI places them poorly, the Allies are almost assured a quick win.

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