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WindowsXP and Win95 together in one PC

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Maybe my question is not for this specific forum,but I hope maybe someone with the technical know how could give me a tip.

I have now an PC with windows XP home eddition installed,I want also have win 95 together in this PC so that i can work in pure dos mode for some old programms that i have.

My question is if this could be possible and how to accomplish this.

I thank for any tip's on this matter.

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Very easy actually, although it will require a reformat on your part (or partition magic). You need to install 9x first, then install XP. When you are installing XP on top of 9x, you will get an option to Upgrade or install a new copy. Install a new copy. Note you should begin the install within the windows GUI, and it requires a bootable CD.

In your case, you can use partition magic to repartiton the drive and setup a boot menu. I have never done this, but it should be possible.


PS: You need to have separate logical drives to install the oses on. For example, I run a 5gb C drive for win98, a 5gb D drive for 2000, and a 20gb E: for data. Also remember that if your disk is formatted in NTFS then you will not be able to read it from 95.

[ June 02, 2002, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]

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