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Welcome to My Neighborhood

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It's March, 1945. World War II has been going on a long time. Wounded badly early on and mustered out, you've watched the ebb and tide of war until it is now certain Germany will taste another defeat... you have found yourself in charge of your local Volksturm, reinforced by some Army regulars and a bit of armor...

To your front are the approaching Americans, a finely honed combined arms machine grinding everything in its path. To your rear is a small village - your boyhood home. It's up to you to defend them.

Get the scenario "Welcome to My Neighborhood" at http://www.dragonlair.net/combatmission/



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Here's my Feedback:

Don't give the Germans so many trucks with the reinforcements. I found myself hiding the trucks in obscure corners of the map to avoid being detected and shortly thereafter destroyed.

Other than that it was a great scenario, especially as German vs. AI. Tough to win, but doable. I'll review it shortly and post a AAR.



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